
Showing posts from October, 2022

Love is My Science by Julia Widdop

The book Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein lays it all out. The poverty, the brutality, disease, rape, all of it is planned. The streaming series The Vikings shows how one of the original races of people lived - they were not farmers or workers -- they lived by raiding - a practice that continues to this day. Many of us are mixed-race now as a result of these raiding parties as the parasitic DNA of the raiders spread itself to the uninfected via the infected who raped, murdered and pillaged their way through villages, cities, and countries. The then implanted culture of materialism & greed as well as vi olence, brutality & increasing technology of control serves to spread the mind virus called Wetiko . The antidote to Wetiko is LOVE. Love is my science and as Bob Marley said "Love is my religion." Love can clean the mind virus of implanted & destructive ideas. As always it's that "still small voice" of your own higher self that can reveal the best way ...

11 Warning Signs You’re Practicing Spiritual Materialism

Let’s be real for a moment: there comes a time when our spiritual practices harm us more than help us.  Yet most of us are so invested in protecting our fragile egos from the truth, that we live in a state of denial or total oblivion to what is happening. When our spiritual practices  reinforce, bolster, and underhandedly inflate our senses of self  (i.e., our egos), this is called spiritual materialism. And it’s a toxic form of spirituality ...   Click Here to Keep Reading! Sponsored by

Time to Pause & Reflect by Christine Gold

Wow one month since I returned to Canada, time has flown by so quickly. What have I learned about myself? That I love being outside, I love animals, I love freedom, I love the truth and I love myself. Most especially I love you guys, my community, my friends, and my Soul Healers Club.  There is one main theme to this article: Home (home to yourself, home to others, home is where the heart is and there's no place like home) I mean I was away in South America for 6 months, many times I felt homesick, then I would pause and reflect on what that actually was. That was my comfort zone again, wanting to be placated and catered to. This was my time for adventure, after being a single parent for 20 years. No kids, no home, no car, no responsibility for the first time in my life. And I was freaking out, or y ego was freaking out trying to control the situation, trying to control everything, reaching and grabbing at straws for any type of assurance that I was safe, I was stable, I was secure...

Shamanic Arts Intensive with Jory Barnes - Today at 1pm @ Creamery

“Growing Up” and “Waking Up” to Adopt More Inclusive Worldviews by Which Humanity Can Thrive (Along With an Active Extraterrestrial Multidimensional Presence) By Giorgio Piacenza

Photo: Lonely/Shutterstock We will see that  “Growing up”  is greater freedom in form. And that  “Waking up”  is greater freedom from form. And that we need both. Thanking about “worldviews” and promoting more inclusive worldviews will be necessary to help the emerging world community adapt to an extraterrestrial, multi-dimensional presence. The 8 worldviews presented by the New Paradigm Institute have been mapped horizontally. They can inform a most nutritious conversation but we also need to recognize a vertical, developmental dimension.   For the most part, before the existence of Integral Theory these two factors (growing up and waking up) were confused or ‘confounded’ even by advanced, non-conventional thinkers and spiritual teachers. But now more than before we need to know about these distinctions in order to successfully come together as a species capable of caring for the planet and its life forms and – perhaps – achieving species-wide sovereignty in th...

Saturday @ the Ceamery