“Growing Up” and “Waking Up” to Adopt More Inclusive Worldviews by Which Humanity Can Thrive (Along With an Active Extraterrestrial Multidimensional Presence) By Giorgio Piacenza
Photo: Lonely/Shutterstock
We will see that “Growing up” is greater freedom in form. And that “Waking up” is greater freedom from form. And that we need both. Thanking about “worldviews” and promoting more inclusive worldviews will be necessary to help the emerging world community adapt to an extraterrestrial, multi-dimensional presence. The 8 worldviews presented by the New Paradigm Institute have been mapped horizontally. They can inform a most nutritious conversation but we also need to recognize a vertical, developmental dimension.
For the most part, before the existence of Integral Theory these two factors (growing up and waking up) were confused or ‘confounded’ even by advanced, non-conventional thinkers and spiritual teachers. But now more than before we need to know about these distinctions in order to successfully come together as a species capable of caring for the planet and its life forms and – perhaps – achieving species-wide sovereignty in the eyes of more mature civilizations that overcame the challenges that we are facing now. Yes, we’ll likely have to learn to think integratively before we can magnificently join a more comprehensive cosmic community in a completely open fashion, a community (according to most contact experiencers) is composed of a majority of benevolent and/or apparently neutrally respectful civilizations some of which are conducting life-enhancing contact-medical-reproductive procedures as we would to a slightly developmentally inferior species. Moreover, the variety of craft and entity typologies observed suggest that they (or most of them) are already capable of collaborating with each other or of following agreed-upon rules in ways that we as a single species still can’t.
But to achieve equal status, not just in essence but in practical terms, a majority of humanity must grow up into post-conventional developmental levels and wake up into more stable, less- egoic, non-materialist states of awareness originating in the divine, Non-dual ground of being. Otherwise, infighting for dominance in order to impose narrow cultural interpretations will continue unabated and (based on the exponential dangers offered by technology) end in one form of a grand-scale catastrophe or another.