See membership options and benefits @ Shamanic Arts Center
Join the traveling shamans, visionary artists, wisdom teachers, & sponsors who support the preservation of shamanic culture and practices.
We offer the following benefits on each tier of membership. Every membership tier get a listing in our directory and Posts & Press Releases.
Membership Options & Benefits
Sacred Witness
Invitation to sacred site field trips
Listing as a Sacred Witness contributor
Byline for work in Sacred Witness Portfolios
Alchemical Artworks
All the benefits of the levels above this one as well as
Gallery space at the virtual gallery at www.ShamanicArts.Center
Gallery space @ the Creamery Show for month of August.
Monthly Alchemical Artwork Sessions
Experience Exchange
All the benefits of the previous levels as well as:
Eligible to add events to
Video interview on the Talk Story Today Show
Listing in Shamanic Speakers & Storytellers
Eligible to add classified ads to our advertising board
Monthly Shamanic Encounters
Project Sponsor
All the benefits of previous levels
Eligible to place a banner ad on the sponsored project page.
Eligible to place an offline banner @ the annual Traveling Shamans Camp
Eligible to supply a magnetic sign on SAC vehicles during official travel
Eligible to consign approved products to our shop
Sign-up for Membership @